Well, today we booked our flights over to the UK. We're flying out on September 12th and arriving in London on the morning of the 13th. We'll stay one night in London (because when we land, all we'll want to do is get to a bed as quickly as possible and spend several hours in a comatose state, if previous experience is any predictor). And then it'll be off to Oxford on the 14th to take possession of our one-bedroom flat in Summertown.
Also, the house is slowly emptying out. Our library ending up fitting into 15 banker's boxes, most of which have been taken over to my parents' for storage in the basement.
Bookshelf-shaped holes, partially filled by blue boxes of books and other boxes. |
This process reminds me very much of moving in here, which makes sense, since I suppose it is the same operation in reverse. Tim and I have discovered that packing is made much more fun when one is drinking sherry.
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